Bernardo Sandals
Three award-winning innovative women's sandals for iconic footwear brand Bernardo Footwear
Fitting award-winning innovation into a legacy footwear brand
Bernardo Footwear was founded in 1947 by world-renowned architect Bernard Rudofsky. A prolific modern architectural thinker and practitioner, Rudofsky became infatuated with human behavior at the scale of fashion, observing how modern fashion mutilates the human figure. Inspired to advance the design of habitable space, Rudofsky targeted the human figure as formed by shoes.
In honor of Bernard Rudofsky, Bernardo Footwear organized the world's first reality TV shoe design competition, challenging contestants to research Rudofsky's works and synthesize his philosophies with their design interpretations to create a new line of three womens flat sandals. Competing against 4 fashion designers, these 3 realized designs earned a unanimous first place.